20120713 011

[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]
Nikon D800E
2012/07/13 10:33:05.60
Time Zone and Date: UTC+1, DST:ON
RAW (14-bit)
Image Size: L (7360 x 4912), FX
Lens: VR 105mm f/2.8G
Artist: Peter Cox Eindhoven
Copyright: naamsvermelding verplicht
Focal Length: 105mm
Exposure Mode: Manual
Metering: Matrix
Shutter Speed: 1/160s
Aperture: f/18
Exposure Comp.: 0EV
Exposure Tuning:
ISO Sensitivity: ISO 100
Optimize Image:
White Balance: Direct sunlight, 0, 0
Focus Mode: AF-S
AF-Area Mode: Auto
AF Fine Tune: OFF
Long Exposure NR: OFF
High ISO NR: ON (Normal)
Color Mode:
Color Space: Adobe RGB
Tone Comp.:
Hue Adjustment:
Active D-Lighting: OFF
Vignette Control: OFF
Auto Distortion Control: OFF
Picture Control: [SD] STANDARD
Quick Adjust: 0
Sharpening: 3
Contrast: 0
Brightness: 0
Saturation: 0
Hue: 0
Filter Effects:
Map Datum:
Dust Removal:
[#End of Shooting Data Section]

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